Vol. 1, #1, January 24, 2012


The Art and Practice of Neo-Ericksonian Hypnosis

The Purpose of this Newsletter is to offer learning opportunities to you, the reader, in the area of Neo-Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. 


In our effort to do so we will be offering articles that we hope will be thought provoking, perhaps inspiring, possibly informative and illuminating. Upcoming articles will include instruction in Ericksonian Hypnotic Language Patterns, metaphor construction, hypnotic delivery, and many other related topics. 

We also will be making you aware of exciting live training events and training materials available to you. For instance, in March Doug O'Brien and Associates will be putting on a story-telling workshop called "Stories from the Outside Inn." The weekend seminar features Nick Kemp, from Leeds, England co-presenting with Doug O'Brien. It is a delightful and yet eminently practical class because people in all walks of life - even in business situations, universally appreciate stories.

Click on the link on the side bar to learn more.

We also will be presenting a two weekend "Neo-Ericksonian Hypnosis Training" later in April and May. You can also find out about that by clicking the link in the side bar.

 The last thing I'll tell you about for now is a class we are NOT presenting but will be ATTENDING, a class in stage hypnosis by Justin Tranz. I've included a link to his sign up page for your edification.

 I've avoided Stage Hypnosis for years because Milton Erickson had issues with it that were (and are still) quite valid. Yet I have always thought it would be useful for me to know more about it from the inside out, if you will, so I've kept a look-out for a good training that would be convenient (i.e.. here in New York). Finally there is one and I'm really excited to take this class from a very well regarded professional, Justin Tranz. 

Wherefore NEO-Ericksonian Hypnosis?

Where did that name come from and what is meant by it? 

 The term "Neo-Ericksonian Hypnosis" was coined a number of years ago in an attempt to more accurately describe what it is that we practitioners of so-called "Ericksonian Hypnosis" are actually doing. After all, in his lifetime, Dr. Erickson never established a curriculum for what must be understood and put into practice in order for one to be certified as an "Ericksonian Hypnotist." So if he didn't codify it, then who should? Instead what we have is kind of a fly's eye view of what he was doing. Each person who worked with him had a slightly different take on what was important. From Steven Gilligan, David Gordon, Jeffery Zeig, Ernest Rossi, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, there are as many viewpoints as there are viewers.

So which one is right?

Are any of them wrong?

Any of them missing the boat entirely? 

It is left to the individual student to come to his or her own appreciation of what is most effective and is in the best interest of the patient. So it seems natural to finally accept that we have moved on from where Milton left off. 

People like Bandler, Wolinsky, Keeney and Gilligan have explored areas far beyond where Milton went. It would be folly to ignore that and pretend that what Milton was doing back 50 years ago was the only useful understanding. More-over, there are teachings from people like Dr. Dave Dobson who's work was parallel to, but different from, Erickson's. What do we do with learnings and insights like that?

I believe we incorporate and integrate all of our learning into what will be most useful and helpful for our client. I believe "Neo-Ericksonian Hypnosis" is respectful to the legacy of Milton H. Erickson while accepting the responsibility of exploring and discovering what else there is to find.

I'm grateful for you to be joining the conversation.





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