Beginner’s MInd


Beginner’s MInd

Beginner’s MInd There is an old Japanese parable about a successful business man and a Japanese monk that goes something like this. Picture a guy like Donald Trump or a CEO from one of the car companies going to a Japanese Zen Buddhist monk while on a trip to Japan. He walks into the temple to visit with this holy man and …

On the Poetry of David Whyte

Ericksonian Language Patterns and Poetry We are thrilled and grateful to feature on our web site,, a wonderful contribution by world-renowned poet, David Whyte. It is his poem “SOMETIMES” from the collection, “Everything is Waiting for You.” You can read the poem here: IN REGARD TO THE POETRY OF DAVID WHYTE A few years ago, while conducting a …

How Deep the Rabbit Hole

According to Carl Jung, the single, most important goal for any human being is the quest for individuation. To Jung “individuation” means becoming an in-dividual, not-divided from the self, yet not possessed by either. We could call it self-realization. Individuation must not be confused with individualism, which over-looks collective factors and seeks some peculiarity valued by the ego. Jung sees …


Milton Erickson was famous for his use of stories as a therapeutic intervention. He would sometimes tell quite long rambling stories and sometimes confusing stories. There is much to be learned from his stories and much to be learned about his method of using stories. Wonderful books and articles about this subject have been written. For the most part, the …

The “Because Frame”

Ericksonian Hypnotic Language Patterns As pointed out by Dr. Robert Cialdini is his excellent book “Influence,” the word ‘because’ has an almost magical persuasive effect on people. It lends emotional credibility to whatever goes before it. “You can use this pattern and have a tremendous effect, because people love to hear reasons for things.” “You may find that it is …

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