

Why Havening will revolutionize Psychotherapy

“The Havening Techniques” are a revolutionary new psychosensory therapy that you need to know about. What is a Psychosensory therapy? It’s a therapy aimed at psychological or emotional healing but uses physical touch or body movements to create the change. EMDR, which uses lateral Eye movements, is a psychosensory therapy. Different techniques like EFT and TFT that use tapping on …

Using NLP with Veterans and PTSD

I’m going to make you a bet. I bet that you or someone you know suffers from PTSD. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has become almost common place these days, especially among certain populations and especially among military veterans. According to a major study done by the RAND Corporation, at least 20% of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have PTSD, while The …

The REALITY about BELIEFS (I hope you catch the irony there)

This month we will offer our most popular and broadly useful seminar, “Sleight of Mouth.” It is an amazing 2-day experience that, on the surface, allows you to become more persuasive conversationally by influencing another person’s beliefs – an obviously useful application for sales people, therapists, marketer, etc… basically ANYBODY who wants to be more persuasive. But, at a deeper …

Why Get Certified? – The TRUTH about Hypnotherapy Certifications

In less than a week we will embark on our annual “Neo-Ericksonian Hypnotherapy” Certification Training and here I’m going to address the rather thorny issue of WHY. Why get certified as a Hypnotherapist? What will having that parchment do for you? Here’s the short answer (and the painful truth): not much. In America, hypnosis is an unregulated profession. The truth …

articleDownload Doug O’Brien’s paper, 
“Be your Best with Self Hypnosis”

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