NLP’s & Ericksonian Hypnosis begat…


NLP’s & Ericksonian Hypnosis begat…

NOT A SINGLE APRIL FOOL This past weekend I had the pleasure of certifying a fresh batch of NLP Practitioners and NLP Master Practitioners after seven months of a training that started last September. With all due respect to past classes I’ve taught, this group was exceptional. Not a slacker in the bunch. Of course, there are multiple reasons for …

Technicolor story telling – enhance your stories with sensory rich language

It is probably intuitively or empirically known to you that some people have a greater capacity to visualize than other people. Other people have highly tuned auditory awareness. Some people seem so mostly make sense of the world through the sensations they feel, while some great chefs or wine connoisseurs have highly sensitive and developed sense of taste. So if …


Erica and John have been married for over ten years, but the last four years, in their own words, were like hell. Luise was married with an alcoholic husband from which she finally separated. Now she was a single mom dealing with two adolescent daughters with whom she had a hard time connecting and conflict was a constant. Michael is …

THE ONE SKILL YOU NEED TO RESOLVE ALL YOUR CONFLICTS (and without which you are in big trouble)

In any discipline, it is often true that when we look at extreme examples of that discipline that we can learn important distinctions of how it works best. When it comes to conflict resolution, I suggest we turn to the skills and experience that negotiators use in extreme situations. Think for example of a crisis negotiator dealing with a hostage-taking …

“The Greatest Commencement Speech ever Given”

This has been attributed to Kurt Vonnegut but was really a column written by Mary Schmich for the Chicago Tribune.  Nevertheless, at this time of year when we are all going about reinventing ourselves, it’s good advice. Wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been …

articleDownload Doug O’Brien’s paper, 
“Be your Best with Self Hypnosis”

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