No Tooth Ache


No Tooth Ache

Sometimes I’m amazed at the parallels between Ericksonian Hypnosis/Psychotherapy and Buddhist teachings I’ve read. I was reminded of one such parallel recently. A month or so ago I broke my right arm. Or at least I thought I did. The late night emergency room folks in Topeka, Kansas were very nice and very professional but there was no radiologist or …

Delivery – putting it all together

A lot goes into a decent trance induction but it really is not necessary to put in every language pattern you’ve ever learned. Here at doug o’brien’s blog – in the past year or so – we’ve examined many language patterns that can be useful in hypnotic communication. However, it is not necessary to use them all in one go. …

Happy New Year! (April Fool)

Story goes that April 1st, several centuries ago, was the day celebrated as the New Year. Then, at some point, the Christian Church decided to change the date to make it more Christian somehow, so it was decreed that the new year was now January first. But news traveled slowly back then so there were some areas that didn’t adapt …

Reverse Meta Model: Commentary Adjectives and Adverbs

Commentary Adjectives and Adverbs is a category of presupposition where in your commentary is in the foreground and what is being presupposed tends to be accepted. Like in the sentence, “Luckily, the coach really understands the zone defense,” it is more likely you’d question how lucky it is that the coach understands the zone defense, rather than whether or not …

Mindscapes – 3 Perspectives on Change

Just before Spring came the monsoons. It rained like crazy in New York the weekend of March 13th. All across the region there were trees down, basements flooding, power outages… it was extreme. But inside the TRS suites in Manhattan things were warm and sunny. I was joined by Andrew Austin, author of “The Rainbow Machine – tales from a …

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“Be your Best with Self Hypnosis”

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