Reverse Meta Model: Quantifiers


Reverse Meta Model: Quantifiers

Quantifiers are words that presuppose more than one thing or idea is at play here. (only, even, except, just) It’s not only about quitting smoking, it’s about exploring a whole world of possibilities. With even one look at you’ll be glad you did. It’s not just polite that you acknowledge the sources of your materials.

Follow Through

Neo-Ericksonian Approaches to Psychotherapy & Hypnosis Wherefore “Neo-Ericksonian” Hypnosis? One of my favorite things I get to do each year is to teach Karate-style wood-breaking to an assembled group of high school juniors at an annual Rotary Club Youth Leadership Camp. It’s called RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) and I’m privileged to offer a two-hour long presentation both on how …

Reverse Meta Model: Repetitive Verbs and Adverb

Another category of presupposition, Repetitive Verbs and Adverbs are verbs and adverbs beginning in “re.” Some examples include repeatedly, return, restore, renew. If you “return” something, it presupposes you borrowed it in the first place. And you’ll discover that trance helps you restore your whole body. John was going to renew his subscription. If you repeatedly do that, it might …

Reverse Meta Model: Comparative

Comparative (er, more, less) The more you study Sleight of Mouth the less slight of mouth you’ll be. She’s sweeter in the morning. It’s faster to fly when you have the time.

Reverse Meta Model: Repetitive Cue Words

Here’s another category of presupposition. This is still in the realm of reversing the meta model because if we heard our clients using language like this we might choose to question their presupposition using the meta model. Repetitive Cue Words are words that imply – or presuppose – that the action referred to has occurred and can or should be …

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