Reverse Meta Model: Comparative As


Reverse Meta Model: Comparative As

Comparative As This is a form of a presupposition that uses the sentence structure listed below. What is being presupposed is a comparison that is non-specifically stated, but that gets a bit overlooked because of the “as” used twice. (as………as) I don’t know anything as powerful and profound as Ericksonian Hypnosis. It is very hard to find a treasure trove …

Reverse Meta Model: Ordinals

Ordinals are words like first, second, third, next, another. Words that imply more than one. This is one of my favorite categories of presupposition. I think we’ve made some great progress in our first session, don’t you? OK, one thing you are going to love about this new car is its styling. I was cutting the grass when another rabbit …

Reverse Meta Model: complex adjectives

This category also refers to time. Complex Adjectives are words like “new, old, present, former, and previous.” Once you’ve mastered complex adjectives you’ll never go back to previous skill levels. We are trying to return our house to its former glory. Avid NLP learners rate as the new must-read web site. Hypnosis is about out growing old ways of …

Reverse meta model: Time Presuppositions

Here’s another simple presupposition. This one has to do with time. Subordinate Clauses of Time Like these: before, after, during, as, since, prior, while, yet, now, again I have noticed that as people practice they gain greater fluency. While kids text constantly their attention is bifurcated. When you find friends who stand by you when the going is hard, cherish …

Reverse Meta Model: Presuppositions

Here’s another simple presupposition (where what is being presupposed is essentially the existence of the thing.) Relative Clauses These are complex noun phrases where the noun is followed by a phrase beginning with who, which, or that. I have noticed that people who practice their skills become most proficient. It’s the kids who text constantly who worry me the most. …

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