


Neo-Ericksonian Approaches Comparisons I am blessed with having stellar dentist who took time from his vacation to see me last week. Seems I had a bit of a dental emergency and needed a root canal. Fortunately, I was on a staycation and could easily travel to see him. He fixed me right up, gave me a script for penicillin and …

Reverse Meta Model: Presuppositions

A reminder: In NLP the “meta model” is Bandler and Grinder’s name for the wellformedness conditions of the surface structure of the English language. As Bostic and Grinder put it, it is “… designed for the express purpose of challenging the limitations in the mental maps carried by clients who seek professional assistance in changing themselves through the processes of therapy.”  (Whispering In …

Stories from the Outside Inn

I’d like to invite you to be among the first to visit a new web site. It’s called ‘Stories from the Outside Inn.” It’s a joint venture between myself and Nick Kemp. The official website is now live and you can download unique Hypnosis and NLP mp3s created exclusively for this site by Nick Kemp and Doug O’Brien. As a member of the …

Reverse Meta Model: Simple Deletions

A simple deletion is when an important element in a statement is missing. This is different from the earlier category of “unspecified nouns” because in the latter case the sentence has an object, it’s just unspecified. Here, it would be missing entirely. Here are some examples of how a client might use them and thus inspire us, as therapists, to employ …

Reverse Meta Model: Comparative Deletions

In NLP’s “meta model,’ a “comparative deletion”  is when the speaker leaves unstated what things are being compared and/or how that comparison is being evaluated. As an example, if you’re speaking with someone and they say something like “it’s better,” you would have no idea what they’re talking about. And, instead of assuming or hallucinating some meaning that may not be …

articleDownload Doug O’Brien’s paper, 
“Be your Best with Self Hypnosis”

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