Increasing Response Potential


Increasing Response Potential

Ericksonian Hypnotic Language Patterns In a moment, I’m going to offer you an example of increasing response potential that will make it all perfectly clear to you. When doing a Hypnotic induction it is useful to occasionally create a sense of anticipation and curiosity in your listener by using sentences like the one above. This serves to hold their attention …

Punctuation Ambiguities

Ericksonian Hypnotic Language Patterns More Ambiguities Ambiguities are words or phrases that can have more than one meaning. The mild confusion that results is conducive to developing trance. There are four basic categories of ambiguities. In today’s post we’ll look at the type that has already been talked about in comments about phonological ambiguities…Punctuation Ambiguities Punctuation Ambiguities are Siamese sentences…sentences …

Implication and Implied Directive

Ericksonian Hypnotic Language Patterns This language pattern is one of the most simple yet powerful patterns you’ll find.  They are “if-then” statements where the “if” part is either something they are already doing or are likely to do (and can do easily), and the “then” part is what you want them to do. “If you can hear my voice, then …

An Inauguration moment far from DC

Tuesday morning I was traveling from New York to Indianapolis to present a seminar. The plane was delayed and I finally arrived at the Indianapolis airport at 11:59 AM. As is probably obvious to you, Tuesday was Barack Obama’s Inauguration and it was scheduled to happen at Noon. Fortunately for me, the TV monitors in the airport were all showing …

Syntactic Ambiguity

Ericksonian Hypnotic Language Patterns They were speaking ambiguities So far we’ve covered three of the four different categories of ambiguities. We have looked at phonological, scope and punctuation ambiguities. Today we examine the last category. Syntactic Ambiguities are sentences in which it is unclear who refers to what. What is the modifier modifying? There are actually two types of syntactic …

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