Mowing the Lawn
I have an acre of lawn to cut.That’s a lot of grassLast weekend, when I spent several hours on the endeavor, I discovered that mindless, repetitious activities are made even better when done at high decibel levels. Nothing like a Toro Lawn Horse if you want to wake the neighbors.I was reminded of the story of Milton Erickson in the …

Trance Voice Down-Under
Just returned from my first ever visit to Australia. What a fantastic visit! My friend Jonathan and I went down to teach a class called “Your Irresistible Voice in Trance.” It is a class that combines Jonathan’s expertise in Voice Production with my understanding of Ericksonian Language patterns and how to use the voice when doing trance work. We had …
Winged-Face guy
It’s pretty groovy what these kids can do these days.See the neat looking winged-face guy?Who knew? That’s Hypnos. The Greek God of sleep.I hire this young friend of mine to make my new blog look pretty and he comes up with guy they named Hypnosis after. I didn’t even know there was such a guy. I’d been taught that hypnosis …

Balance is one of my favorite concepts. In golf, in ballet, in music, in risk vs rewardIn lifeIn GeneralIn Generals tooRight now I’m adding this blog because the page needed more space in the lower halfto balance out the headerLooks better now.D
the tyranny of the blank page
Hello.This is my first post ever.Nice huh?Well that’s gonna do it for now.I don’t like to set the bar too high.D