Tag Questions


Tag Questions

Ericksonian Hypnotic Language Patterns Tag Questions —are little questions added on to the end of a statement that change it into a question. They are also referred to as “tie downs.” Tag Questions are similar to the previous pattern the “Resistance Dodge,” but different. Rather than dodging resistance, with tag questions you are endeavoring to get agreement, aren’t you?They soften …

Resistance (is Futile)

Ericksonian Language PatternsThis installment features two different ways of dancing with resistance. In the pattern I call “The Resistance Dodge,” when your client exhibits resistance you offer a tag statement that is really a bind. Stops them in their proverbial tracks. With the “Resistance Pace” you use their resistance the way an Aikido expert would use an opponent’s own weight.The …

Suggestions Orienting towards the Future

Ericksonian Language PatternsMilton Erickson once likened traditional psychotherapy to “psychological archeology.” He didn’t see much point in spending too much time analysing a patient’s past and trying to find out the reasons “why” they were displaying certain behaviors. He saw these behaviors as habits. I like to call them patterns. He told stories to illustrate his point, sometimes evoking his …

Embedded Questions

Ericksonian Language Patterns —Embedded Questions are the same thing as embedded commands only different. They are often really statements but are responded to consciously as a question. This is because their grammatical structure is that of a question, but your tonality in delivering them is that of a command. (In most examples below I’ll omit the question mark.) “I wonder …

Ericksonian Language Patterns

Patterns of Indirect Suggestion – A.K.A.: Ericksonian Language Patterns In a therapeutic setting we strive to achieve the client’s goals with elegance. Sometimes, however, change is difficult and resistance, conscious or otherwise, is a natural response. By using the following language patterns we are able to bypass the conscious resistance and to communicate with the subconscious mind. Milton Erickson was …

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