


Ericksonian Hypnotic Language PatternsEarly in my NLP/Hypnosis training I was in Santa Cruz, California, attending a workshop. After class one day I walked along the beach with a more advanced student who knew a lot about language patterns. When I asked her how to begin gaining facility with them she turned to me and said, “you’ll find that the pattern …

Pacing and Leading

Ericksonian Hypnotic Language PatternsIn an expanded form, ‘Pacing and Leading’ can be used as a trance induction in and of itself. The general concept of pacing and leading is central to Erickson’s work. You establish a rapport with a person when you pace their experience. In this language pattern, you make note of true, experiential facts (or ‘wonder’ about them) …

Traveling Hypnosis Medicine Show

View from the balcony of the Camelot Hotel at Myrtle Beach, SC. Perhaps the most amazing thing about working for John Morgan Seminars and traveling the country and doing 2 hour Hypnosis programs for weight loss and smoking cessation is that they actually work. Years ago I taught, in my hypnosis classes, of the superiority of private sessions because they …

Negative Commands/Suggestions

Ericksonian Hypnotic Language Patterns Negative Commands/SuggestionsBefore we look further at this category of language pattern a quick word…By the term “Negative Suggestion” we don’t mean something nasty. We’re not in the business of suggesting negative things to people, like suggesting to someone that their nose will fall off.What we’re instead doing is giving a positive suggestion hidden within something that …

Pebble Kicking

Neo-Ericksonian Approaches to Psychotherapy & HypnosisOne of the major principles of doing therapeutic work I learned from Dave Dobson is the idea of “Pebble Kicking.” What is Pebble Kicking? Well, I’m reminded of a story. Actually, a couple of stories. The first story is about a Spiritual Teacher who was walking with one of his disciples along the banks of …

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