Neo-Ericksonian Hypnosis Basic Training
This past weekend a group of about 20 stellar humans came together for a class in Neo-Ericksonian Hypnosis in New York City. I was pleased as punch to introduce or remind the assembly of basic tenets and essential skill sets of the art of communicating hypnotically.

We spent the better part of the first day doing very little of what most people think of as hypnosis. We did do an open-eyed trance exploration in groups of two (which, in itself, was different from the stereotypical trance induction) but most of the day was sharpening our non-verbal communication skills and sensory acuity.
Of course, there was some theory and the inevitable diagrams (I love drawing diagrams),

and there were the video clips from TV and audio clips that helped add some VAK interest to the proceedings, even if folks were pretty much getting the ideas without technological assistance.
By day two we were starting playing with Ericksonian Hypnotic Language Patterns, trance tonality, and therapeutic story telling. The students were fantastic in their willingness to open themselves up to new ideas and ways of looking at hypnotic realities. I was afraid I might lose one or two during the movement trance (Qigong) or the “Both/And Logic” trance exercise but they dove right in. True Trancernauts all.
Now class, if you are reading this, I do hope you will get busy on your homework sooner rather than later. December gets a bit busy for most people after the solstice. It might be smart to write those metaphors while it’s all still fresh in your minds…or not. 😉
I look forward to hearing them in January when class resumes, the adventure continues, and we go deeper into the world of Hypnosis.