
Phonological Ambiguities


Phonological Ambiguities

Ericksonian Hypnotic Language Patterns

Ambiguities are words or phrases that can have more than one meaning. The mild confusion that results is conducive to developing trance. There are four basic categories of ambiguities at which we’ll be looking starting with…

Phonological Ambiguities
Phonological ambiguities are words that sound the same but have different meanings and can be used in very different ways. 

Here are some examples: not/knot, here/hear, see/sea, right/write.

Here are some examples of how those examples might be used in sentences:

“I have a knot question. Will you not progress faster by sailing at 20 knots rather than railing about how you should not sail at all? Do you know knots or do you know not?”

“I can hear the sea in this shell. Can you see this shell here?”

“… and as you listen to my voice… and relax your thoughts… exercise your right… to just listen… right here… right now… to that that is right… for you… too… hear… the words that… it would be all right… to write down… all those thoughts… that are all right… for you… right down to your bones…” (etc.)

And, you know, it would be all right for you to write and practice these patterns every day, because you want to master these skills, right?

Now you can really have fun with these “funny-logical” patterns, won’t you? 

About Doug O'Brien

Doug O’Brien is a Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP, and a Certified Hypnotherapist. In 1988, while assisting at NLP and NAC training seminars with Anthony Robbins, Doug achieved the designation of Master Trainer. He now conducts numerous seminars of his own around the globe (specializing in the “Sleight of Mouth” patterns of Robert Dilts, NLP Certification Courses, and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy) and helped found Columbia-Presbyterian’s Department of Complementary Medicine with Dr. Mehmet Oz.

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