Reverse Meta Model: Factive Verbs and Adjectives


Reverse Meta Model: Factive Verbs and Adjectives

Factive Verbs and Adjectives are really useful. In fact, I use them all the time. You will too, if you don’t already, because when you use factive verbs and adjectives (like “aware, know, realize, regret, believe, pleased”) tied together with what you want to get across, the only question the listener might have is about the factive verb or adjective. Like in the first example below – the listener may ponder whether or not they were aware of how much value is packed into one weekend, but don’t debate whether or not there WAS value in that weekend.

Are you aware how much value is packed into one weekend of NLP training?

I know some of you are beginning to appreciate the usefulness of this presupposition pattern.

I wonder if your realize how much language does our thinking for us?

About Doug O'Brien

Doug O’Brien is a Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP, and a Certified Hypnotherapist. In 1988, while assisting at NLP and NAC training seminars with Anthony Robbins, Doug achieved the designation of Master Trainer. He now conducts numerous seminars of his own around the globe (specializing in the “Sleight of Mouth” patterns of Robert Dilts, NLP Certification Courses, and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy) and helped found Columbia-Presbyterian’s Department of Complementary Medicine with Dr. Mehmet Oz.

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