
Switching the Referential Index (the I-you switch)


Switching the Referential Index (the I-you switch)

Ericksonian Hypnotic Language Patterns
The language pattern “Switching the Referential Index” is a sentence or paragraph in which the speaker switches of whom they are referring from themselves (“I” or “me”) to “you.” That’s why it can easily be referred to as “The I–You Switch.”
The beauty of this language pattern is that it is a very common turn of phrase that people do without thinking. Thus it is unlikely ever to be picked up by the listener’s conscious awareness.
The following is an actual quote, guaranteed overheard:

“I was driving down the highway feeling fine, making good time, but the constant repetition of the lines on the highway, the hum of the car and the flow of the traffic all work on ya and before you know it you’re just kinda zoning out. I had to stop and get coffee.”

So you see how the speaker started out referring to themself – “I was driving…” and halfway through the sentence switched to referring to you – “you’re zoning out.” The average person saying such a thing is just describing a common human condition and has no intention of giving a hypnotic command. But we, as savvy linguists, recognize the opportunity to … pause… shift our tonality… and deliver the suggestion.
Here’s how the late, great Dave Dobson used it in his classic “Beach Trip:”

“I like to take a trip on a beach. I like the smell of the salt air, the sound of the waves as they come in and go out. I enjoy the feel of the warm sand as it pushes up between my toes, and you can actually feel the weight of your body shifting as you walk through that warm sand.”

It’s seamless, isn’t it?
Perfect for the Hypnosis practitioner. An easy way to turn just about anything into a suggestion.
One can also imagine a business context…

“Speaking for myself, I particularly like the ease of use of this product. It just fits your hands so nicely and is so instinctive to use you never have to consult the owner’s manual.”

Some might consider a social context…

“I need to sense a psychic kinship with someone before anything can develop. You know? Like in a conversation when you’re feeling a real, deep connection with a person and time just melts away.”

Now, I have always found that you learn best by doing, haven’t you? So I found that if you write them down, and pay close attention to your tonality when you say them, you get better quickly. You can even practice delivering them to another human being.
Ericksonian Hypnotic Language PatternsThe language pattern “Switching the Referential Index” is a sentence or paragraph in which the speaker switches of whom they are referring from themselves (“I” or “me”) to “you.” That’s why it can easily be referred to as “The I–You Switch.”
The beauty of this language pattern is that it is a very common turn of phrase that people do without thinking. Thus it is unlikely ever to be picked up by the listener’s conscious awareness.
The following is an actual quote, guaranteed overheard:

“I was driving down the highway feeling fine, making good time, but the constant repetition of the lines on the highway, the hum of the car and the flow of the traffic all work on ya and before you know it you’re just kinda zoning out. I had to stop and get coffee.”

So you see how the speaker started out referring to themself – “I was driving…” and halfway through the sentence switched to referring to you – “you’re zoning out.” The average person saying such a thing is just describing a common human condition and has no intention of giving a hypnotic command. But we, as savvy linguists, recognize the opportunity to … pause… shift our tonality… and deliver the suggestion.
Here’s how the late, great Dave Dobson used it in his classic “Beach Trip:”

“I like to take a trip on a beach. I like the smell of the salt air, the sound of the waves as they come in and go out. I enjoy the feel of the warm sand as it pushes up between my toes, and you can actually feel the weight of your body shifting as you walk through that warm sand.”

It’s seamless, isn’t it?
Perfect for the Hypnosis practitioner. An easy way to turn just about anything into a suggestion.
One can also imagine a business context…

“Speaking for myself, I particularly like the ease of use of this product. It just fits your hands so nicely and is so instinctive to use you never have to consult the owner’s manual.”

Some might consider a social context…

“I need to sense a psychic kinship with someone before anything can develop. You know? Like in a conversation when you’re feeling a real, deep connection with a person and time just melts away.”

Now, I have always found that you learn best by doing, haven’t you? So I found that if you write them down, and pay close attention to your tonality when you say them, you get better quickly. You can even practice delivering them to another human being.

About Doug O'Brien

Doug O’Brien is a Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP, and a Certified Hypnotherapist. In 1988, while assisting at NLP and NAC training seminars with Anthony Robbins, Doug achieved the designation of Master Trainer. He now conducts numerous seminars of his own around the globe (specializing in the “Sleight of Mouth” patterns of Robert Dilts, NLP Certification Courses, and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy) and helped found Columbia-Presbyterian’s Department of Complementary Medicine with Dr. Mehmet Oz.

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