Reverse Meta Model: Change of State Verbs; Place Verbs

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Reverse Meta Model: Change of State Verbs; Place Verbs

Reverse Meta Model If you are new to this blog, the explanation of what is meant by this phrase is explained in earlier posts. Here are two more categories of presuppositions that are very useful. Change of State Verbs (change, transform, turn into, become) Often, when you change one small behavior, you soon transform the entire gestalt. Change of Place …

REALIZING: How to make any story a therapeutic metaphor

Neo-Ericksonian Approaches to Psychotherapy & Hypnosis Any story can become a therapeutic metaphor when you effectively utilize a very simple technique I like to call “realizing.” You have a character in your story have an insight and use that realization to deliver an embedded command to your listener. Here’s an example of a very ordinary story. John was working late. …

Reverse Meta Model: Change of Time Verbs and Adverbs

Change of Time Verbs and Adverbs is a category of presupposition using words like the following: begin, end, stop, start, continue, proceed, already, still, yet, anymore. With these time oriented words you presuppose movement or action in time. As you start to apply these teachings, you’ll stop being stuck in old patterns. Continue visiting www.dougobrien’s blog whenever you want to …

A Sea Change in Beliefs about Cancer

An article in this Tuesday’s New York Times Science section was absolutely fascinating in a variety of ways so I felt I had to bring it to your attention. First the skinny – a recent paper in The Journal of the American Medical Association calls into question the long held belief that cancers move linearly; that a cell acquired a …

Reverse Meta Model: Quantifiers

Quantifiers are words that presuppose more than one thing or idea is at play here. (only, even, except, just) It’s not only about quitting smoking, it’s about exploring a whole world of possibilities. With even one look at you’ll be glad you did. It’s not just polite that you acknowledge the sources of your materials.

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