
Reverse Meta Model: Repetitive Verbs and Adverb

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Reverse Meta Model: Repetitive Verbs and Adverb

Another category of presupposition, Repetitive Verbs and Adverbs are verbs and adverbs beginning in “re.” Some examples include repeatedly, return, restore, renew. If you “return” something, it presupposes you borrowed it in the first place. And you’ll discover that trance helps you restore your whole body. John was going to renew his subscription. If you repeatedly do that, it might …

Reverse Meta Model: Comparative

Comparative (er, more, less) The more you study Sleight of Mouth the less slight of mouth you’ll be. She’s sweeter in the morning. It’s faster to fly when you have the time.

Reverse Meta Model: Repetitive Cue Words

Here’s another category of presupposition. This is still in the realm of reversing the meta model because if we heard our clients using language like this we might choose to question their presupposition using the meta model. Repetitive Cue Words are words that imply – or presuppose – that the action referred to has occurred and can or should be …

Reverse Meta Model: Comparative As

Comparative As This is a form of a presupposition that uses the sentence structure listed below. What is being presupposed is a comparison that is non-specifically stated, but that gets a bit overlooked because of the “as” used twice. (as………as) I don’t know anything as powerful and profound as Ericksonian Hypnosis. It is very hard to find a treasure trove …

Reverse Meta Model:Unspecified Nouns/Referential Index

This fine title is being brought to you by the department of redundancy department. “Unspecified Nouns” and “Unspecified Referential Index” are the same thing. They are both either unspecified people, places, or things. What is so trancy about that, you ask? Well, whenever the listener has to go inside to wonder what exactly you’re talking about, you take a little …

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