
Reverse Meta Model:Unspecified Nouns/Referential Index

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Reverse Meta Model:Unspecified Nouns/Referential Index

This fine title is being brought to you by the department of redundancy department. “Unspecified Nouns” and “Unspecified Referential Index” are the same thing. They are both either unspecified people, places, or things. What is so trancy about that, you ask? Well, whenever the listener has to go inside to wonder what exactly you’re talking about, you take a little …

More Reverse Meta Model Patterns

Complex Equivalence A complex equivalence is a statement of a belief. Famously, in some people’s model of the world, it is one of the two forms of a belief that is used in Sleight of Mouth. (Cause/effect is the other) The simple structure of a complex equivalent is “X means Y.” This means that. They are equivalent. “Your trance experience …

Reverse Meta Model

Reverse Meta Model In NLP the “meta model” is Richard Bandler’s and John Grinder’s name for the wellformedness conditions of the surface structure of the English language*. (*- for more on this see their book “Structure of Magic.”) It’s based on the recognition that all language has presuppositions, deletions, distortions and generalizations. The meta model was employed to expose those …

The “Because Frame”

Ericksonian Hypnotic Language Patterns As pointed out by Dr. Robert Cialdini is his excellent book “Influence,” the word ‘because’ has an almost magical persuasive effect on people. It lends emotional credibility to whatever goes before it. “You can use this pattern and have a tremendous effect, because people love to hear reasons for things.” “You may find that it is …

Double Binds

Ericksonian Hypnotic Language Patterns Double binds are sentences that suggest your listener to do one of two things. This, however, is actually an illusion of choice because either choice is in the direction you want them to go. As an example, if you say to your client, “Would you like to enter trance now or would you like to try …

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