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Erica and John have been married for over ten years, but the last four years, in their own words, were like hell. Luise was married with an alcoholic husband from which she finally separated. Now she was a single mom dealing with two adolescent daughters with whom she had a hard time connecting and conflict was a constant. Michael is …

THE ONE SKILL YOU NEED TO RESOLVE ALL YOUR CONFLICTS (and without which you are in big trouble)

In any discipline, it is often true that when we look at extreme examples of that discipline that we can learn important distinctions of how it works best. When it comes to conflict resolution, I suggest we turn to the skills and experience that negotiators use in extreme situations. Think for example of a crisis negotiator dealing with a hostage-taking …

The Power of Positive Purpose

In my conflict resolution work around the world, I came soon to realize that for lasting change to be possible, finding an agreement around interests was not enough. Especially in the most seemingly intractable conflicts, fundamental shifts at a personal level had to happen. That’s when I realized that NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis were powerful tools that would help me …

Rapport Magazine article on Doug O’Brien

RAPPORT magazine is published by ANLP International. It is part of membership benefits and also available by subscription. Individual issues can also be bought. Written by  Andy Coote Doug O’Brien carries his experience with a light touch From Carnegie Hall and Studio54 to Sleight of Mouth, by way of Tony Robbins and Robert Dilts, our interviewee this issue carries …

Using Stories in Coaching and in Marketing (and in entertainment and in…)

I love my job. Well, to be truthful, I love parts of my job. I had a professor once who said, “Every job has some ditch digging in it.” He meant that there was inglorious grunt work that went with every endeavor. Erecting a magnificent building requires that first you dig a hole to lay a foundation. Writing a book …

articleDownload Doug O’Brien’s paper, 
“Be your Best with Self Hypnosis”

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