
Technicolor story telling – enhance your stories with sensory rich language

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Technicolor story telling – enhance your stories with sensory rich language

It is probably intuitively or empirically known to you that some people have a greater capacity to visualize than other people. Other people have highly tuned auditory awareness. Some people seem so mostly make sense of the world through the sensations they feel, while some great chefs or wine connoisseurs have highly sensitive and developed sense of taste. So if …

Rapport Magazine article on Doug O’Brien

RAPPORT magazine is published by ANLP International. It is part of membership benefits and also available by subscription. Individual issues can also be bought. www.anlp.org/Rapport. Written by  Andy Coote Doug O’Brien carries his experience with a light touch From Carnegie Hall and Studio54 to Sleight of Mouth, by way of Tony Robbins and Robert Dilts, our interviewee this issue carries …

The story of stories

Stories are everywhere. Dr. Milton Erickson’s enduring legacy is his unique approach to psychotherapy and hypnosis. Within the scope of that approach his use of anecdote and story telling is arguably the most famous element. Steven Spielberg is widely regarded as one of the premiere filmmakers of his generation. He has repeatedly said that telling the story is the most …

Sudden Belief Change

COACHES CORNER: Stories you can use. Meaningful, metaphorical stories can be golden for a working coach. Today’s story comes from Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” I’ve used this story effectively when working with clients who have anger management issues. It was a Sunday morning on a subway in New York. People were sitting quietly — some reading …

More on True (or false) stories. What’s best?

Someone wrote to me recently regarding the question I blogged about in October:  “True or False? When telling a good story, does it matter? This person asked me, “What’s the best story – real or made up?” This is a great question. Many people tell stories for therapeutic or inspirational effect. Ministers, motivational speakers, TED talkers, therapists… all are attempting …

articleDownload Doug O’Brien’s paper, 
“Be your Best with Self Hypnosis”

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