
NLP’s & Ericksonian Hypnosis begat…

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NLP’s & Ericksonian Hypnosis begat…

NOT A SINGLE APRIL FOOL This past weekend I had the pleasure of certifying a fresh batch of NLP Practitioners and NLP Master Practitioners after seven months of a training that started last September. With all due respect to past classes I’ve taught, this group was exceptional. Not a slacker in the bunch. Of course, there are multiple reasons for …

The story of stories

Stories are everywhere. Dr. Milton Erickson’s enduring legacy is his unique approach to psychotherapy and hypnosis. Within the scope of that approach his use of anecdote and story telling is arguably the most famous element. Steven Spielberg is widely regarded as one of the premiere filmmakers of his generation. He has repeatedly said that telling the story is the most …

How DO you get to Carnegie Hall?

The Story Behind “The Language of Change” How lessons learned from classical piano training can help you to become a virtuoso at Hypnotic Language patterns. I admit it. I’m a slow learner. Back when I was first learning NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis, the Ericksonian Hypnotic Language Patterns baffled me. Embedded commands? Indirect suggestions? Therapeutic metaphors? I knew guys like Kenrick …

Milton Erickson was not an “Ericksonian”

 Neo-Ericksonian Hypnosis v. Ericksonian Hypnosis There is an old joke that says “How many Ericksonian Hypnotists does it take to screw in a light bulb? The answer is “Seventeen. One to change the light bulb and sixteen to argue how Milton would have done it.” This past January I had the pleasure of witnessing a demonstration of real, live “Ericksonian” …

5 Realities about Hypnosis and Weight Loss

5 Realities about Hypnosis and Weight Loss Full disclosure: For eight years I was employed by a seminar company to travel the United States and present group hypnosis seminars to people who wanted to either Lose Weight or Quit Smoking. We did two seminars a day, one for helping people quit smoking, the second to help people lose weight. Attendees …

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