
A Tale of Perseverance: “The Old Alchemist”

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A Tale of Perseverance: “The Old Alchemist”

“The Old Alchemist” by Allan B. Chinen, (Copyright © LearningtoGive.org) Once upon a time, there lived an old man with his beautiful daughter. She fell in love with a handsome lad, and the two married with the old man’s blessing. The young couple led a happy life, except for one problem: the husband spent his time working on alchemy, dreaming …

Using Stories in Coaching and in Marketing (and in entertainment and in…)

I love my job. Well, to be truthful, I love parts of my job. I had a professor once who said, “Every job has some ditch digging in it.” He meant that there was inglorious grunt work that went with every endeavor. Erecting a magnificent building requires that first you dig a hole to lay a foundation. Writing a book …

How DO you get to Carnegie Hall?

The Story Behind “The Language of Change” How lessons learned from classical piano training can help you to become a virtuoso at Hypnotic Language patterns. I admit it. I’m a slow learner. Back when I was first learning NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis, the Ericksonian Hypnotic Language Patterns baffled me. Embedded commands? Indirect suggestions? Therapeutic metaphors? I knew guys like Kenrick …

11 Sources of Personal Growth

Someone once said, “The road to success is always under construction.” They were wrong. Because, while the metaphor is ok, success isn’t a destination at which you’ll one day arrive. In fact, success isn’t even a thing. It’s what linguists call a nominalization. You probably know that that means success appears to be a thing but it isn’t, really. Try …

Story – The Bodhisattva and the Two Aspirants

I’m reading “Tibetan Peach Pie,” a memoir written by one of my favorite authors, Tom Robbins. His first novel, “Another Roadside Attraction,” was hailed as great counter-cultural literature and his second novel, “Even Cowgirls Get the Blues,” was a best seller made into a movie. I’ve read every novel he’s written and, believe me, there are very few other authors …

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