
Why Get Certified? – The TRUTH about Hypnotherapy Certifications

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Why Get Certified? – The TRUTH about Hypnotherapy Certifications

In less than a week we will embark on our annual “Neo-Ericksonian Hypnotherapy” Certification Training and here I’m going to address the rather thorny issue of WHY. Why get certified as a Hypnotherapist? What will having that parchment do for you? Here’s the short answer (and the painful truth): not much. In America, hypnosis is an unregulated profession. The truth …

NLP’s & Ericksonian Hypnosis begat…

NOT A SINGLE APRIL FOOL This past weekend I had the pleasure of certifying a fresh batch of NLP Practitioners and NLP Master Practitioners after seven months of a training that started last September. With all due respect to past classes I’ve taught, this group was exceptional. Not a slacker in the bunch. Of course, there are multiple reasons for …

The Power of Positive Purpose

In my conflict resolution work around the world, I came soon to realize that for lasting change to be possible, finding an agreement around interests was not enough. Especially in the most seemingly intractable conflicts, fundamental shifts at a personal level had to happen. That’s when I realized that NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis were powerful tools that would help me …

Rapport Magazine article on Doug O’Brien

RAPPORT magazine is published by ANLP International. It is part of membership benefits and also available by subscription. Individual issues can also be bought. www.anlp.org/Rapport. Written by  Andy Coote Doug O’Brien carries his experience with a light touch From Carnegie Hall and Studio54 to Sleight of Mouth, by way of Tony Robbins and Robert Dilts, our interviewee this issue carries …

More on True (or false) stories. What’s best?

Someone wrote to me recently regarding the question I blogged about in October:  “True or False? When telling a good story, does it matter? This person asked me, “What’s the best story – real or made up?” This is a great question. Many people tell stories for therapeutic or inspirational effect. Ministers, motivational speakers, TED talkers, therapists… all are attempting …

articleDownload Doug O’Brien’s paper, 
“Be your Best with Self Hypnosis”

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