
NLP’s & Ericksonian Hypnosis begat…

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NLP’s & Ericksonian Hypnosis begat…

NOT A SINGLE APRIL FOOL This past weekend I had the pleasure of certifying a fresh batch of NLP Practitioners and NLP Master Practitioners after seven months of a training that started last September. With all due respect to past classes I’ve taught, this group was exceptional. Not a slacker in the bunch. Of course, there are multiple reasons for …

Rapport Magazine article on Doug O’Brien

RAPPORT magazine is published by ANLP International. It is part of membership benefits and also available by subscription. Individual issues can also be bought. www.anlp.org/Rapport. Written by  Andy Coote Doug O’Brien carries his experience with a light touch From Carnegie Hall and Studio54 to Sleight of Mouth, by way of Tony Robbins and Robert Dilts, our interviewee this issue carries …

Using Altered States (Trance) in a Purposeful, Positive Way

Since the dawn of man, human beings have used altered states of consciousness in both purposeful ways – shamanic healing, divination, getting battle ready, etc. – and non-purposeful ways. (getting drunk or stoned for fun) Truly, from a historical perspective, we are party animals. We’ve been getting high as far back as historians can measure. As one example, humans, like …

Milton Erickson was not an “Ericksonian”

 Neo-Ericksonian Hypnosis v. Ericksonian Hypnosis There is an old joke that says “How many Ericksonian Hypnotists does it take to screw in a light bulb? The answer is “Seventeen. One to change the light bulb and sixteen to argue how Milton would have done it.” This past January I had the pleasure of witnessing a demonstration of real, live “Ericksonian” …

The Poetry of the Elevator Speech

Once, when the mathematician Blaise Pascal was asked, “Why did you write such a long letter?” he answered, “because I didn’t have time to write a short one.” If you are in the business world at all, you should take the time to write a good elevator speech. Most people in the business world don’t need to be told what …

articleDownload Doug O’Brien’s paper, 
“Be your Best with Self Hypnosis”

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