Using Altered States (Trance) in a Purposeful, Positive Way
Since the dawn of man, human beings have used altered states of consciousness in both purposeful ways – shamanic healing, divination, getting battle ready, etc. – and non-purposeful ways. (getting drunk or stoned for fun) Truly, from a historical perspective, we are party animals. We’ve been getting high as far back as historians can measure. As one example, humans, like …
Using Stories in Coaching
This is an old Chinese Taoist story that I already posted in a blog a couple of years ago.. It is a wonderful metaphor and I repeat it today because I want to use it as an example of how stories can be used in a Coaching Context. Once upon a time there was a village that was experiencing a …
The Rain Maker
This is an old Chinese Taoist story. It is a wonderful metaphor. Once upon a time there was a village that was experiencing a terrible, prolonged drought. The elders of the village had heard of a Rainmaker, a man who could induce the rains to come. So they sent word that they wanted this man to come to help them. …