NLP is Not a Therapy

You are currently viewing all posts tagged with Milton Erickson.

NLP is Not a Therapy

There is a regrettable tendency among some practitioners of NLP to refer to themselves as an NLP Therapist or even an NLP Coach. It’s regrettable because we are supposed to be practitioners of a communication art and those titles are inaccurate at best and misleading at worst. NLP is not a therapy so you can’t be an NLP therapist, and, …

They were Training Jokes

Using Funny Stories and Jokes in Training and in Therapy. When conducting Hypnosis and NLP trainings  – or any trainings for that matter – I tell a lot of stories. Story telling is an age old tradition. The use of “teaching tales” can be traced back to the beginning of recorded human history. Milton H. Erickson gained a well deserved …

Coaching Tips from Ibsen and Erickson

As couple of weeks ago in Oslo, Norway I visited the former home – now museum – of Henrik Ibsen, the great Norwegian playwright. As I noted in a previous blog post, Ibsen had a large portrait of August Strindberg  hanging in his studio. This is surprising because Strindberg was, in Ibsen’s words, his “mortal enemy.” Ibsen kept his portrait …

Why Stories? and The super computer story

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. Confucius   WHY STORIES?   Nothing teaches like experience. Like learning to ride a bike. You could benefit from hearing someone describe how to do it. You’d gain a great deal more by watching someone do it. But once you’ve done it yourself you’ll never …

News from Lake Wobegon… in NYC

Last week I had the delightful experience of attending a live broadcast of “A Prairie Home Companion” radio show with Garrison Keillor. This radio show is broadcast on National Public Radio here in the United States. It features music and comedic radio plays (with sound effects performed live by a man with an uncanny ear for such things) all hosted …

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