
Creative Lying and Applying the E.A.S.E. Method

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Creative Lying and Applying the E.A.S.E. Method

“Creative lying” is not about lying to someone else. I’m talking about carefully choosing the way you represent things to yourself in order to stay motivated and continue to better yourself.

E.A.S.E your way into the New Year

The “All or Nothing” syndrome is one of the chief reasons I created the “E.A.S.E” System in the first place. To create new habits that last, behaviors need to be so regularly done they cause an identity shift. Because you run everyday you become a runner, not just a couch potato who is trying to get into shape.

An Apple a Day keeps the Doctor away

An Apple a Day keeps the Doctor away? Sure, we’ve all heard that old piece of sage advice. We might even believe in its message. So how many of us DO IT? Do you? How bout 8 glasses of water per day? 7-8 hours of sleep a night? 20-30 minutes of exercise per day? There is an old Zen Buddhist …

Coaching Tips from Ibsen and Erickson

As couple of weeks ago in Oslo, Norway I visited the former home – now museum – of Henrik Ibsen, the great Norwegian playwright. As I noted in a previous blog post, Ibsen had a large portrait of August Strindberg  hanging in his studio. This is surprising because Strindberg was, in Ibsen’s words, his “mortal enemy.” Ibsen kept his portrait …

A Coaching Secret

I’m going to share a secret with you that I learned a long time ago. It’s a secret about effective time management. Now some of you might already be aware that effective time management is perhaps THE most important skill for ANYBODY to have – whether you are an artist or a bureaucrat – if you use your time well, you do well. …

articleDownload Doug O’Brien’s paper, 
“Be your Best with Self Hypnosis”

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