
Reverse Meta Model: Comparative Deletions

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Reverse Meta Model: Comparative Deletions

In NLP’s “meta model,’ a “comparative deletion”  is when the speaker leaves unstated what things are being compared and/or how that comparison is being evaluated. As an example, if you’re speaking with someone and they say something like “it’s better,” you would have no idea what they’re talking about. And, instead of assuming or hallucinating some meaning that may not be …

More Reverse Meta Model Patterns

Complex Equivalence A complex equivalence is a statement of a belief. Famously, in some people’s model of the world, it is one of the two forms of a belief that is used in Sleight of Mouth. (Cause/effect is the other) The simple structure of a complex equivalent is “X means Y.” This means that. They are equivalent. “Your trance experience …

More Reverse Meta Model Patterns

Lost Performative  “Lost Performative” is a category within the meta-model in which evaluative statements (where something is judged as “good” or “bad”) don’t the identity the person doing the evaluating. A natural Meta-model response would be “Says who?” As a meta model example, if someone said, “It’s good to eat pizza.” You might respond, “Really? Who says so?” or “According to whom?” …

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