Lana Mina Popovic


Lana Mina Popovic

Lana’s  study of Western Hermetic mysticism, Tibetan and Zen Buddhism, Yoga tradition, as well as her decade-long practice of Kung Fu, inspired  her to change her career from design to life coaching. Lana studied NLP and Neo-Ericksonian Hypnotherapy  with Doug O’Brien and completed her Master NLP training with Richard Bandler and John LaValle.

Additionally, Lana completed a 2 year certification program from Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Psychotherapy where she studied under expert pioneers  such as Robert Thurman, Ph.D., Sharon Salzberg, Joseph Loizzo, M.D., Ph.D., and Mark Epstein, M.D. She is also currently studying Holistic Health Coaching.

Lana’s aspiration is to integrate wisdom of ancient Eastern and Western spiritual traditions with modern technologies such as NLP and Neo-Ericksonian hypnotherapy. In her work she offers an opportunity for a holistic body-mind/spiritual makeover.

About Phillip De Vita

Phillip De Vita has been a freelance graphic designer and illustrator since 1992. His clientele includes a diverse array of businesses and organizations, both large and small. From logos to posters to brochures to websites, he enjoys the creative challenge, working directly with his clients, and pushing himself to produce the best work possible.

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“Be your Best with Self Hypnosis”

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