What’s new
Hi Folks,
You might have noticed I haven’t written in a while. Sorry about that. I will endeavor to write more consistently in the future.
Meanwhile, it might interest you to know that I’ve used my time wisely… I’ve just recently completed a “User’s guide” to Sleight of Mouth e-Book. It will be available shortly.
When I set out to create this work, I thought it would be easy. After all, I have that two-CD set plus workbook that I put together several years ago. I went ahead and had that transcribed and assumed it would be easy to make that into a book.
I – with a lot of help from my friend Aaron Spurling – basically rewrote the whole durn thing and had to redraw probably about 75% of the illustrations to make it work!
Good new is it’s done and it’s pretty good. There are whole new sections with new examples of how to use it (for good instead of evil) and an expanded section on beliefs that I think you’ll find interesting.
So that’s kinda-sorta where I’ve been. I’ll be writing more. I promise.