The Big Rocks of Life – improved

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The Big Rocks of Life – improved

As far as I know Stephen Covey deserves credit for this metaphor. I’ve used it with  hundreds of clients over the years. Recently, via one of my coaching clients, I discovered an improvement. First, let’s look at the original  – from the master, Dr. Stephen R. Covey, author of “
First Things First” The Big Rocks of Life One day this …

The Paradoxical Commandments

I had a client recently who was struggling with the nasty comments that people seem to make on line these days. In spite of my client’s best efforts to do good work and help people, it sometimes went unappreciated. I was reminded of “The Paradoxical Commandments” by Kent Keith. Milton Erickson seemed to be able to embrace paradox quite readily, …

“There is a vitality, a life force…” quote of Martha Graham

One of my favorite quotes: – Martha Graham to Agnes DeMille – “There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action,
and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. 
And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost. 
The world …

Learn Sleight of Mouth

Using Sleight of Mouth on Yourself First

You Go First Without mentioning any names I’m going to tell you of a real life situation I found myself in recently. I am a member of an association that has a pretty wide and varied membership. There are people there of all stripes and, as with probably a majority of associations, members are expected to get along nicely with …

BELIEF CRAFT: Sleight of Mouth on Steroids?

BELIEF CRAFT: Sleight of Mouth on Steroids? How to “Wire Around” a Negative Belief with Belief Craft (Look for the Live Belief Craft Seminar in September) You know that NLP is all about how humans have a structure to our subjective experience that can be elicited and understood. AND that when you change that structure the subjective experience changes as …

articleDownload Doug O’Brien’s paper, 
“Be your Best with Self Hypnosis”

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