Using Quotes in Ericksonian Language and in Coaching

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Using Quotes in Ericksonian Language and in Coaching

Using Quotes in Ericksonian Language Patterns and in Coaching. As most readers of this blog are aware, one of the easiest and most fun way of delivering an embedded command or suggestion is through the Ericksonian Language Pattern called “Quotes.” It is when you attribute that that you want to say to your client to another source. Like you could …

An Apple a Day keeps the Doctor away

An Apple a Day keeps the Doctor away? Sure, we’ve all heard that old piece of sage advice. We might even believe in its message. So how many of us DO IT? Do you? How bout 8 glasses of water per day? 7-8 hours of sleep a night? 20-30 minutes of exercise per day? There is an old Zen Buddhist …

Coaching Excellence- Just in TIME

Finding maximum inspiration just in TIME Everyone has had the experience of scrambling to meet a deadline. We all know the sense of urgency deadlines impose. Even great art has sometimes been created on a deadline. I have previously written in this blog of an experience from a long time ago, when I was a student composer at a New …

Story telling for the Life Coach

First, let me remind you of a Chinese Taoist story that I previously posted in this blog back in May 9th, 2012. If you want to read the entire story (it’s not long) here’s the link: ( Basically the story involves an old Chinese village suffering from a drought so they send for a Rainmaker. He arrives in town and …

Coaching Tips from Ibsen and Erickson

As couple of weeks ago in Oslo, Norway I visited the former home – now museum – of Henrik Ibsen, the great Norwegian playwright. As I noted in a previous blog post, Ibsen had a large portrait of August Strindberg  hanging in his studio. This is surprising because Strindberg was, in Ibsen’s words, his “mortal enemy.” Ibsen kept his portrait …

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